The website is a live resource for free eBook downloads. Our website’s primary goal is to offer top-notch, quick download services in an easy-to-use environment without requiring registration or other time-consuming steps. To do this, we gather books from the internet and host them on our lightning-fast Linux servers, which offer lightning-fast download speeds in addition to a totally personalized handwritten synopsis. If you want to have a copyrighted file or book removed from our server, just let us know and provide us with official written documentation. After you make a DMCA complaint, we will respond right away and remove your files or books within three business days. The following conditions ought to be met by your claim of copyright infringement:

  • Valid Email Address
  • Identity and proof of the owner
  • Links and screenshots of the copyright material

Send us your copyright infringement claim at [email protected]  with this info and we will come to you within 7 business days.

In the case of any queries, feel free to contact us.

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